Portfolio news – September additions

So for September , and the beginning of October I added the following share to my portfolio.

K + S Group

It’s a company that builds active in mining, food and agriculture. The stock price has been on a steady decline recently and is in my opinion, pretty cheap at the moment. Dividend now is around 2,9% of the share price. Which is good enough to buy the stock. It has been paying dividend for a good number of years now.

Watch list

Glencore is off the watch list as they had to cut the dividends and are in the process of reducing their debt. With the current commodity prices the situation is said to be hard for Glencore in the coming months. But the company isn’t just there to trade, it’s very much part of the whole logistical chain for the commodity business. That’s how they became such a powerhouse. They provide a valuable service which not just anyone can take over.

For the coming months the I will be watching Disney, Caterpillar and Shell.
Shell is cheap at the moment , especially if you count the dividend. Some people fear the dividend percentage is too high and Shell maybe has to lower or cancel it.
I don’t think that is going to happen. I also don’t think the slump in commodities will continue. Also oil is nowhere near finished as a fuel or base product for a lot of other products.

I might add to my Apple position as it still is very undervalued. The dividend yield is too low and most of the profit has to be made with a substantial increase in it’s share price. So this is also something to think about.

I am also looking further into the possibilities options offer to add some more revenue. I already sold some calls (covered) with good results, and I am now looking into getting more into options. For now I will just use it with caution.

First some more reading about the subject.